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Special Education

Special Education in Jeffco

Special Education in Jeffco shapes a future where every student can succeed, learn and grow. In the heart of our community, the Special Education department is a cornerstone, ensuring that students with disabilities are supported on their journey to reach their full potential.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Center

We prioritize building students’ independence while using smaller student-to-teacher ratios in an inclusive educational environment. Students who come to ASD center programs demonstrate significant deficits in functional communication, social skills or restrictive interests and repetitive behaviors that are impacting their access to general education.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Center

Susan Culig

Job Title: ASD Paraprofessional

Anne Warren

Job Title: ASD Paraprofessional

Significant Support Needs Center

According to the Colorado Department of Education, students with significant support needs  are highly diverse learners with extensive needs in the areas of cognition or learning, communication, movement and social-emotional abilities. The individual may also have concurrent health, sensory, physical or behavioral disabilities. 

Students with significant support needs require: 

  • A wide variety of approaches and supports to demonstrate their knowledge and skills
  • intensive instruction in literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills to acquire and generalize knowledge.
  • Substantial adaptations (modifications and accommodations) or ongoing supports to access grade-level curriculum.
  • Access to assistive technology tools to communicate, learn and demonstrate their knowledge.
  • Progress to be measured by observation, data collection, assessment and work samples.
  • Individualized levels of support across major life activities in the home, school and community.

Learn More

Significant Support Needs Center