Classroom Resources
Databases / General Website
Jefferson County Public Library
Please use your public library card to explore “Global Issues in Context” (works with Google Drive).
- Culture Grams
- Lands and Peoples
If you don't have a public library card, please see Mrs. Weller to get one or to use a Chatfield card.
Books & Citations
See if we have books on your country in the above search.
- Copyright-Friendly Image Sources
- See the Research and Citation section of this webpage
Test Prep
- Get SAT, ACT and AP test prep as well as career preparation. Create a new account and use your JCPL library card number to get access. (See Ms. Weller if you need a JCPL library card.)
- Verbal and number aptitude tests for trade or skill jobs (vocational jobs like auto mechanics, chef, beauty industry, electrician, etc.)
- Practice SAT tests at Khan Academy; get tips and strategies for free.
- ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, PSAT and SAT prep from The Princeton Review
- Practice for AP subjects and ACT/SAT; may not be free.
- Official Handbook
- List of Driver's Ed Courses
- Free Practice Tests for your permit
English Classes
Social Studies Classes
- Aid Organizations - Madame Horowitz
- Bon Voyage - Madame Horowitz
- L'Afrique Francophone - Madame Horowitz
- Paris Monuments - Madame Horowitz
- Influential French People - Madame Horowitz