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Career Research

Career Research Notetaker and Citation Manager


Jeffco Library

Use your public library card to check out the databases below. If you do not have a public library card, please see Mrs. Weller to get an application or a Chatfield card.

  • Explora – Does work directly with Google Drive (use “share” button); also has citation (use “quote” button).
  • World Book Advanced – Does work directly with Google Drive (use “save” button); also has citation (use “quote” button).
  • Gale eBooks – Does work with Google Drive (use “share” button); also has citation (use “quote” button). There is a citation done for you. Be sure to log in at the top with Google so it can access your Google Drive.
  • Scholastic go! – Does not work directly with Google Drive. You will have to email the article to yourself if you want it in your drive. There is a citation done for you.
  • JStor – Does not work with Google Drive. Download and then upload in Google Drive. Make sure you choose “Content I can access” before looking through the database. There is a citation done for you. You will not need a Jeffco Public Library card for this database.




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