Library & Research
Charger Pride Library is open Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Search for resources, put a book on hold, renew books, or check out e-books with Follett Destiny Discover. Use your Jeffco login.
Charger Pride Library
Library FAQs
- What are the library’s hours?
- What about food and drink in the library?
- For how long can I check out books?
- How can I find out about my school library account?
- Can I print in the library?
- Can I check out equipment?
What are the library’s hours?
What about food and drink in the library?
For how long can I check out books?
How can I find out about my school library account?
Can I print in the library?
Can I check out equipment?
Mission and Two-Year Plan
The Chatfield Senior High School Charger Pride Library strives to be the bridge between its students and information in its many forms, including helping students learn to be critical users of that information and to help students continue to be lifelong learners.
Read about the library’s two-year annual growth plan.
It's all about the books.
Career Research
Information and resources on careers.
Classroom Resources
Resources for Classrooms.
Research and Citations
Jeffco Public Library databases require a library card. There are many resources available to students.