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Attention Future AP Precalculus Students

College Board put together a set of 13 prerequisite skills that you need for AP Precalculus. Here is an organized Google Doc for you to access videos and practice problems.

Desmos Charger Head Logo

This graph Charger was made by Aidan Browne.

Honors, Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment

Honors courses are available in Geometry and Algebra II. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered in Pre-Calculus, Calculus AB, Calculus BC and Statistics.

Concurrent enrollment college credit through Arapahoe Community College is offered for Math for Liberal Arts (MAT 1240), College Algebra (MAT 1340), Introduction to Statistics (MAT 1260) and, during the second semester, AP Statistics (MAT 1260).

Students who complete AP Calculus BC can take Calculus III (MAT 2431) and Differential Equations Honors (MAT 2561) through Red Rocks Community College.

Graphic Calculator Requirements

A TI-Nspire CX II graphing calculator (non-CAS) is required for the following math courses: Honors Algebra 2, AP Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, Intro to Statistics, College Algebra, and Math for Liberal Arts. A TI-Nspire CX II graphing calculator (non-CAS) is recommended for students taking Algebra 2 but is NOT required. A student in Algebra 2 should especially consider using one if they plan to continue taking math course after Algebra 2.

For all other math courses, a scientific calculator, such as the TI-30X IIS model is recommended.

These calculators may be purchased online or at many local stores and discount warehouses. Students who wish to rent a calculator should talk to their math teacher on the first ay of class. Students are encouraged to engrave their names on their calculators. Please see Ms. Brusven if you need access to an engraver.

Get more information from Texas Instruments.

Flowchart for Mathematics

Mathematics in Jeffco

Jeffco mathematics teaching and learning embraces a problem-based approach, grounded in the belief that every student possesses the potential to master grade-level mathematics. In our program, students learn math by doing math. 

Jeffco mathematics classrooms are joyful communities of learners engaged in rigorous, collaborative mathematical experiences facilitated by educators who support each and every student to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and adaptive reasoning skills that transfer to their daily lives and future careers.