Why Should You Attend Chatfield Senior High School?
Charger Pride
TOP 20! - Chatfield is rated one of the top 20 traditional public schools in the STATE OF COLORADO, regardless of size, according to U.S. News and World Report |
+1.5% – increase in the school-wide attendance rate in 23-24. |
AP exams 671 students took 1,071 AP exams in 2024. |
4700+ – Number of college credits CSH students earned in 2023-24 by taking over 1500 concurrent enrollment classes. |
$1.6M+ – Scholarship dollars were earned by the class of 2024. |
#6 Ranked Program
5A athletic program across all sports in the state.
Work Based Learning
Implemented a school-wide Future Planning Day for all students
- 50+ guest speakers across a variety of careers spoke with students
- 84 students attneded planning workshops for college & job skills
- 55 college reps & all military branches visited CSH
- 70 students participated in mock interviews
- 75 students participated in job shadow days
- 70 students completed industry certificates
- 46 students participated in internships
Chatfield Gives
$40K+ raised for the Make-a-Wish foundation during Wish Week during the 23-24 school year.$98K raised by students during Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society in the 23-24 school year.