At Chatfield Senior High, we love our volunteers – we couldn’t run our great school without them! Take a look at some of the ways families and community members can volunteer their time.
After Prom
This committee of parents meet regularly prior to Prom to plan and organize the After-Prom Party. All parents of students in any grade at Chatfield are welcome! This committee offers many opportunities for parents to become involved in providing a drug-free, safe event for our students. Interested? Sign Up. Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram @chatfieldafterprom or on Facebook. Parent help is critical for a fun and safe evening for our children. Please volunteer today!
Booster Clubs
Several Charger sports teams and student clubs and organizations have booster clubs that hold fundraisers as well as social events and networking opportunities for family members. Contact the individual club sponsor or sports coach for more information.
Chatfield Parent Group
This group works to create the best high school experience possible for students and teachers. It also provides opportunities for parents to partner with Chatfield leadership and other school groups to maintain a stronger connection with the community.
School Accountability Committee
This committee allows parents, students, staff and the administration to collaborate on ideas for school improvement.