Dress Code
View the Student & Family Handbook
In order to maintain the academic focus and promote safety in our school, Chatfield Senior High (CSH) requests that you comply with the dress code as well as any regulations from Jefferson County Schools and the State of Colorado. CSH appreciates student cooperation in this matter.
Allowable Dress:
- Students must wear a top, bottom, and footwear while on school premises
- Some courses may require specific attire or adjustments to attire and hairstyle to ensure safety during academic activities (i.e. science labe, PE, electives, CTE, etc.
Non-Allowable Dress:
- Clothing that is overly revealing. The back, chest, or buttocks should not be exposed.
- Items with sexually suggestive language or messages.
- Clothing with offensive puns language or graphics, or that advertises products or services illegal to minors (including music groups, alcohol, drugs or inappropriate product names)
- Chains, spikes or other accessories that could be perceived or used as a weapon
- Clothing that violates the school system's policies against gang and gang-related activity
- Sunglasses or items that make the student's face unidentifiable (clothing/headgear worn for religious and COVID/medical purposes are excepted)
The expectations for this policy are:
To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code school staff will:
- Enforce dress code consistently using the school policy and procedures
- Not confront students on dress-code violations in a manner that unneccessarily disciplines or publicly shames the student
- Report dress code concerns to administration
Students shall only be asked to change, cover, or remove their attire if they are wearing non-allowable items identified above. Under these circumstances, students shall have the following options to comply with the dress code for the remainder of the day:
- Wear their own alternative clothing
- Wear school provided clothing
- Call a parent or guardian to bring alternative clothing
Dress Code Guidance in Jeffco
Responsibility for student dress and appearance generally rests with individual students and their families. Students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress and appearance; however, students shall not wear clothing or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is disruptive to the educational environment. Jeffco Public Schools standards on student attire are intended to help students focus on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety.
Disciplinary action for violating the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and requiring that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building-level administrator, a family conference may be held. More serious consequences may result from repeated or serious violations.